One fine afternoon, V3 find themselves in the back seat of the bus which is quite a ‘happening’ place to be especially for couples.
“Why is the back seat of the bus always promptly taken by lovers?” asks Shaz.
One fine afternoon, V3 find themselves in the back seat of the bus which is quite a ‘happening’ place to be especially for couples.
“Why is the back seat of the bus always promptly taken by lovers?” asks Shaz.
V3 had to take some time off the usual hectic schedule to discuss the column. Sachi is on the swivel chair, toying with the keyboard, when Shaz and Ruwi join in.
"Just give me your ideas. I'll key them down." Sachi calls up to them.
It was a travel packed week for V3. First Shaz zooms off to Sigiriya followed by a long arduous journey to icy Hunnasgiriya. No sooner the poor girl returns with cramps and a cold Ruwi and Sachi were packed off to Galle just in time for the Literary Festival. After working to our bones for the Daily News Independence Day Supplement V3 had to hasten to Trans Asia to meet a media liaison hoping to take some journalists up to Dambulla.
V3 were deciding of going going,
To watch this drama called Boeing Boeing,
Not really knowing knowing,
What they were showing showing!